
By Marjorie McMillian March 12, 2025
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By Sharon Redd March 14, 2024
Image via Freepik
By Sharon Redd June 8, 2023
by Sharon Redd A midlife crisis usually occurs between 40 and 60 years old. It may be caused by the realization that you haven’t achieved what you wanted in life and that you may have too little time left to reach your goals. Or it can be the result of trauma, loss or sickness. Whatever the cause, you can turn this often painful experience into an opportunity to start anew by implementing one or all three of these strategies, presented by the Miamisburg Historical Society . Let Your Emotions Out Psychologists warn that repressing feelings isn’t good for one’s mental health. If you have worries that regularly gnaw at you, set aside a few minutes each day to think about them, then let them go. If wars and other catastrophes you see in the news make you fearful, angry or anxious, use the same technique: set aside time to cry or yell, then move on. While you’re spending time in those emotions, try to think u p solutions or come up with things you can do to help. When time is up, turn your mind to something else. You can also channel your emotions and feelings through journaling: put your worries down on paper at the beginning or at the end of each day, then let the m go. If you need more help working through your pain and anxiety, don’t hesitate to reach out to a therapist. Thanks to the availability of telehealth, you don’t have to leave the comfort of your own home to talk to a licensed professional. Get an Emotional Support Animal Did you know that petting an animal releases the same chemicals in your body that hugging a human or breastfeeding a baby does? So if you’re feeling stressed or lonely, consider adopting an emotional support animal. Although many animals can fill this role, adopting a dog affords more opportunities to get out and be social. Find helpful pet care advice for a great harness so you can take your new furry friend out for regular walks and even trips to the neighborhood dog park. It’s important to treat your pup to delicious and nutritious foods, too. This kibble is sure to please because of its high protein content and organic ingredients. Your dog may also benefit from it being grain-free, but check with your vet first before making the switch. Embark on a New Career Path by Starting a Business If you’ve been laid off or if your current job is causing you frustration and anxiety, you may be considering starting your own business, becoming a consultant, or pivoting to a different field altogether. When starting a new company , you may be worried about the costs and tasks involved as well as all the paperwork and legal requirements. To get your new venture off the ground, write a business plan that details your funding needs, financial projections, and business structure. You can then concentrate your efforts on branding and marketing. Let your creative juices flow and design an awesome logo for your newly-formed company using an online logo maker . Make yours stand out from your competitors by making it unique and representative of who you truly are. This burst of creativity may just give you all the energy you need to rebound from your mental slump. Find Places to Volunteer Committing time to an organization you love can be a great way to feel like you have a bigger purpose in this world. Whether you love science and want to tutor kids in STEM subjects, or are passionate about local history and want to volunteer with the Miamisburg Historical Society , find something that gets you fired up and devote some time to it! Move to a New Location After a divorce, the loss of a job, or when all your kids have flown the coop, moving into a new area may be just what the doctor ordered to help you overcome your feelings of sadness and anxiety and keep depression at bay. If you have a particular locale in mind, a place you’ve enjoyed visiting in the past, or a city where your friends and relatives live, look for an apartment or home for rent in the area. Renting is often the preferred option if you’re not sure you want to live somewhere long term. Take into consideration how many bedrooms and bathrooms you’ll need, and if you have pets, make sure they’ll have an easy transition into your new apartment as well. If you suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) , look for a bright place where you'll get to enjoy plenty of sunshine year round - or purchase a sunlight lamp for those dreary winter months. Embrace the Changes in Healthy Ways If you feel stuck at work or at home, think of making major changes to turn things around: launch your own business, adopt an emotional support animal, or move into a new place. But the most important thing is to talk to a therapist so that you have a healthy way to express your feelings. Without acknowledging what you feel, you will not move forward. So take steps to bring positivity and light to your word, so that you can enjoy the next stage of your life. Image via Pixabay
By Marjorie McMillian March 30, 2023
Image via Pexels  by Marjorie McMillian As a small business owner, you may often find yourself wondering how to maximize efficiency while keeping costs and time commitments low. The advent of coworking sites provides an excellent way to do just that and has become an increasingly attractive option for entrepreneurs who need flexible work environments and cost savings. Presented below by The Miamisburg Historical Society , here are six reasons why you should give them a try. Flexible Environment Options One of the biggest advantages of using coworking spaces is that they provide a flexible working environment . You can easily take advantage of short-term or even long-term leases in different locations, depending on your needs and budget. This gives you the freedom to choose the most suitable place for your business without having to commit to any one particular location for too long. What's more, many coworking sites offer amenities like high-speed internet access, comfortable furniture, and convenient meeting places, making it easy for entrepreneurs to maximize their productivity while enjoying a pleasant working environment. Save Substantially Another major benefit of using coworking sites is the potential cost savings they offer . By avoiding traditional leasing or rental agreements with landlords and instead opting for shorter-term contracts with companies offering coworking spaces, entrepreneurs can save money in several ways. These include lower overhead costs due to shared resources such as office supplies and equipment, as well as reduced rent payments due to using smaller spaces than what would be available from more traditional office locations. There are numerous ways in which regular use of coworking sites can lead to significant cost savings over time. Get Community Perks Most coworking sites also offer attractive membership packages that come with various perks tailored toward businesses seeking more flexibility from their workspace needs. These packages often include discounts on services such as printing and shipping, access to private event spaces, or even complimentary snacks or meals during certain times of the day. These are all designed to help small businesses grow faster by providing them with additional incentives when needed. Make Remote Work Easier Many times entrepreneurs may need access to resources that aren't readily available in their current location--be it a different type of technology or simple tools that make tasks easier--but don't have the means to invest in them right away. Remote working capabilities offered by some coworking sites allow members access not only to the physical space but also to multiple tools related to their specific work requirements. These include cloud storage spaces or advanced computer programs, which eliminate the need for costly investments upfront and provide access only when required. Make Connections In Your Field One common challenge faced by every entrepreneur is networking efficiently , especially when moving around frequently between different cities or countries. This can be made much simpler by taking advantage of well-designed business cards, which you can make yourself using a premade template. Just add the images and text you want and create a handy, impressionable tool for networking. When you enhance your content with business cards , you'll have a quick and easy way to make connections with like-minded people. Earn Credibility With An LLC Another great feature provided through modern coworking setups is that even though these are generally considered 'shared' workspaces, there’s still room enough--both financially and legally--to set up an LLC designation if desired. This offers immense protection regarding intellectual property rights as well as potential tax benefits, and an LLC will also lend credibility to your business. This is beneficial as you make connections and start collaborating. Using a coworking space is a cost-effective, easy way to grow your business without taking a lot of risks. When you use tools like a well-designed business card and an LLC designation, you can maximize the potential of your workspace and make connections that will benefit you for years to come. Just make sure you do some research on how to start an LLC in your state, as the regulations vary according to region.
By Joe Rees October 3, 2022
by Joe Rees Only special and unique characters are motivated to make a difference. To launch a successful nonprofit organization, you must be driven and courageous, and you must have a unique vision. If you want to start a nonprofit in Miamisburg take a look at the six simple steps below to get you started, brought to you by the Miamisburg Historical Society . 1. Choose Your Nonprofit Organization's Cause When choosing a cause for your nonprofit, gather evidence from Miamisburg demographics that support the idea that unmet demands exist for your services among the locals. Once you know your nonprofit's cause, select a name that reflects the organization's mission. Next, begin the process of choosing your company's leadership. In Ohio, three people must serve on the board of directors. You'll also need to select a permanent Ohio resident to act as the nonprofit's registered agent and to accept service of process and other legal documents on the organization's behalf under Ohio law. 2. File Ohio Articles of Incorporation After you submit your Articles of Incorporation , your organization will only become a legitimate entity in Miamisburg. You can file articles of incorporation via mail or the internet in Ohio, and it usually takes three to seven business days to process. You can also hand-deliver your application in person and pay an extra fee for same-day or same-hour processing if you're in a hurry to complete this stage. 3. Establish Nonprofit Bylaws The bylaws of your organization serve as a foundation and a guide. Draft bylaws that specify your operating procedures. This covers the corporation's governance structure, the frequency of board meetings, voting procedures, and conflict-of-interest policies. 4. Get Your Financial Administration in Order Your organization has to apply for 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status with the Internal Revenue Service. If you're launching a small organization and don't anticipate raising more than $50,000 in the first 3 years, you must submit Form 1023-EZ . You'll also need to file with the Ohio Department of Taxation. To legally operate as a nonprofit in Miamisburg, you must register with the state of Ohio's Attorney General's office and then submit an annual report. In addition, your organization must have a separate bank account for fundraising purposes. This is one of the state's requirements. 5. Secure Grants and Donations Suppose your organization is structured as a nonprofit. In that case, applying for different grants and other forms of public assistance is considerably more straightforward. You'll need to fill in the funder's application form. This is typically a lengthy document with thorough justifications for the causes, initiatives, and spending plans your organization is looking to fund. 6. Utilizing Social Media to Build a Network and Secure Donations Using social media is the most affordable and efficient way to build awareness of your nonprofit and secure donations. For instance, tools online let you create a Facebook ad that utilizes premade designs that you can customize with your logo, brand colors, fonts, and text. Plus, downloading your finished Facebook ad takes place instantaneously. Change the World for the Better Starting a nonprofit organization can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be costly; social media provides the most efficient and effective means of securing donations. Visit the Miamisburg Historical Society to learn more about Miamisburg OH, and its history.
By Marjorie McMillian October 3, 2022
Image via Pexels
August 4, 2022
by Joe Rees There is no better way to give back and make a change than to start with your own community. Whether you've lived in your town your entire life or just moved there, you can join with others to make a difference. If you're looking for ideas, consider these easy ways you can contribute. 1. Canvas for Voter Registration Voting is a vital component of being an active member of any community. A surprising number of people are unaware of local government elections going on in their own communities. Spreading awareness and making the voter registration process easier for people is a great way to get them involved in their own communities. Join an online forum to see if any groups are already canvassing voters and volunteer to help. 2. Connect With the Historical Society Learning the history of your town is a great way to be part of the community. Talk to a local organization such as the Miamisburg Historical Society about ways you can contribute. You could make a donation or become a member or sponsor. Members often have exclusive access to events and merchandise. You could even spearhead an event of your own, such as saving a historical landmark, as you make a name for yourself. 3. Plan a Fundraising Event If you're trying to bring awareness to a specific cause in your town, plan a fundraising event to make it happen. Include other businesses and members of the community to show support for local business owners. Remember to be transparent about where you intend to send the funds and why. 4. Become a Teacher If you've considered going back to school to complete a postgraduate degree, think about becoming a teacher. You can use an online master's in education program to give you the freedom to continue working and complete school around your own schedule. You'll learn the skills you need and qualify yourself for a higher salary. If you put your heart into it, you'll change the lives of the children you teach. 5. Create a Nonprofit Nonprofit organizations can support a great cause by gaining access to public funding . If you have a cause in mind, consider creating a nonprofit. When you form the corporation, you'll need to create your company bylaws to show how you intend to govern the company. For example, how will you structure your board of directors? How will voting work? What are your rules on weeding out conflicts of interest? One study shows that bylaws help to keep the company organized and provide you with guidelines to stay on track as new considerations arise. 6. Having a Clothing Drive Helping provide clothing for people in need is a great cause, especially in communities with extreme weather. Find a local business partner to help you make the clothing drive take off. Build a team of volunteers to help organize the event. Identify the details of your drive, including where you intend to pick up donations and how you plan to distribute them. Keep people up to date with progress online. You can create a webpage and social media pages for the event. Giving back is something you can do continuously. As you get more involved in the community, you'll find more opportunities to make a difference. You may even turn it into a career. Image via Pexels
By Joe Rees July 10, 2022
We have all read about the ramifications of too much screen time. So, avoid the temptation to buy your kids video games or a tablet. Instead, look for gifts that will get them moving, learning, and doing. Educational gifts don’t have to be boring and they don’t have to be expensive. The Miamisburg History Center has compiled a list of affordable gifts and money saving tips that will still allow you to buy great gifts for your child. Keep them active and healthy with sports gear Playing sports teaches kids about health and fitness, as well as discipline, strategy, problem solving, and teamwork. Whether your kids are athletic or you are just trying to get them to be a little more active, give them the gift of sports apparel, gear, sneakers, and other fitness items. Before you purchase anything, hunt online for cashback offers, coupons, and promo codes from retailers so that you can get the best deals. Encourage family bonding and boost math skills with game night Board games, math games , and other tabletop games are awesome for encouraging strategy and problem-solving skills. Playing games together as a family promotes bonding , boosts vocabulary and communication skills, and even reduces stress. Focus on arts and crafts projects If your kids love hands-on arts and crafts projects, consider giving them kits that fit their passions. Does your child want to learn how to knit? Consider a beginner’s kit that offers them an easy and fun project. If your child is into a variety of craft-making activities, consider a stocked kit with anything they could possibly need. Or, if you’re a crafty maven with a budding business , consider helping them get things set up. For example, help them come up with a great name for their business, research different places where they can sell their crafts, and ensure they have all the necessary paperwork to run a business. Giving some of your time could be the greatest gift of all. Get them something to help around the house A durable and functional child’s tool kit is a great way to get them to participate in DIY projects around the house. As they get older you can buy a couple of tools at a time for their own tool box they’ll have forever. Once they’re comfortable with tools, get them to help with minor home repairs. Getting them familiar with ways to fix things at an early age will make them confident for the rest of their lives. Teach them about history and culture with a museum membership According to Learning Environments Research , museum activities support and encourage children’s education and learning. Museums such as The Miamisburg History Center can provide an experience that your kids will love. Even if you don’t have a dedicated children’s museum in your area, check out your art, history, science, or other cultural museums to find out what they offer for kids and consider a membership. Many museums offer membership perks beyond admission including discounts on children’s camps or classes, activities, and events throughout the year. Explore geography with maps, and globes Allow your kids to explore the world and learn about different cultures and countries with books, maps, and globes. Find a good atlas and pair it up with a world map or globe. Then, when the kids find a country or area that they want to learn more about, you can head to the local library for more books and information. If you want to take the geography lesson on the road, plan an affordable getaway. Get some road maps of areas relatively nearby your home. Talk to your kids about cultural attractions, historical landmarks, and other points of interest that are within driving distance, and let them choose where to take your road trip! Apply STEM skills with building sets and inventor kits Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education puts the focus on hands-on learning and real-world applications to build innovative skills that will help future generations be successful in these types of careers. You can advance your child's STEM education at home and teach them to be innovators by providing gifts that support these skills such as building sets, inventor kits, and much more. If you are looking to reduce screen time in your home, buy educational gifts for your children. From sports gear to science kits and board games, you’re sure to find some budget-friendly goodies that will foster your kids’ education while providing them with fun and entertainment. Photo via Pexels
January 23, 2022
by Marjorie McMillian Finding the best eco-friendly rental can be a real challenge, but if you're willing to spend some time up front to make your rental as eco-friendly as possible, it'll be much easier to have a nice, affordable, green home to live in. Below are some tips for finding the perfect eco-friendly rental. Cost of Rent Rental prices vary widely from one city to the next, but it's important to keep in mind how much you might pay per square foot. A 702-square-foot, one-bedroom apartment in a downtown Manhattan high-rise, for example, might cost you more than $4,000 a month , while an 891-square-foot, one-bedroom apartment in Miamisburg, OH, will cost over $1,000 . Find an Eco-Friendly Rental Eco-friendly rentals are becoming increasingly common, especially in cities. They're often " green-certified " by organizations such as the U.S. Green Building Council and can even earn you a discount on your rent. Plus, many of these rentals are close to public transportation, work, and shopping areas, which means less driving and car ownership costs. Solar Panels Solar panels are a big deal because they save renters money on their electric bills. Almost all eco-friendly rentals will have solar power or the ability to install it. Look for places with solar panels, and ask questions to find out how they work or if they're installed with battery backup. Energy-Efficient Appliances All eco-friendly rentals should have energy-efficient appliances. Look for places with Energy Star-rated appliances that meet or exceed the Energy Star standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) . Energy Star appliances save you money in the long run, and they help protect our environment. Moving One way to reduce moving-related waste is to hire an eco-friendly furniture moving company. Eco-friendly moving companies are likely to use less packaging and more energy-efficient trucks. Before getting quotes, look online for reviews of different companies to make sure they can handle any large furniture. They should also offer deals or credits. You can research which companies are more eco-friendly by looking for those that try to eliminate waste and take more efficient routes. Simple Changes Fortunately, renters have a number of opportunities to make simple, environmentally friendly updates to their rental homes. These simple changes can make a difference in your monthly utility bills as well as benefit the environment. Here are a few simple eco-friendly rental updates you can make: • Caulk the seams . Air leaks around windows, pipes, and doors account for a lot of wasted energy. Caulking around faucets, sinks, showers, and baseboards is a relatively easy project that will save you money. • Install smart thermostats . These thermostats can help renters save big on their utilities. Many smart thermostats are controlled remotely, and some even learn your heating and cooling preferences to automatically adjust themselves. • Install LED bulbs . LED bulbs use 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs and typically last 25 times longer. Replacing bulbs in your fixtures and hallways is easy enough to do yourself, and after one bulb is replaced, the others should start to seem brighter as well. The Right Home Finding the right Ohio home is important, and an eco-friendly rental is achievable with a little know-how. Visit Miamisburg Historical Society to discover the history of Miamisburg.
November 10, 2021
Dayton Daily News , March 30, 2021 By Thomas Gnau The business director of Frontier Industrial said Tuesday the task ahead for his company in redeveloping a former power plant on the Great Miami River is to transform a “brown field into a jobs field.” In January, Frontier bought the former 365-megawatt O.H. Hutchings generation station property with about 200 acres off the river in Miamisburg for just over $866,000. Dayton Power & Light, now AES Ohio, closed the plant in 2013. “This building is … substantially intact. And there’s a lot of good stuff in there,” Pat Ford, business development director for Frontier Industrial, said Tuesday in an online conference with city of Miamisburg, Montgomery County and Miami Conservancy District official. A redevelopment of the site with a “mixed-use” array of purposes is being contemplated. In an interview with the Dayton Daily News in January, Ford said recreation and housing could one day be situated there. “We all think you can do a lot with that property; it’s going to take time, money and effort,” Dan Foley, the riverway director for the Miami Conservancy District, said in a video played in the online conference. “Great ideas are kind of cooking for what’s going to go on down there,” Miamisburg Mayor Michelle Collins said. Ford said Frontier buys decommissioned industrial plants and sites, and the company been doing that for nearly 20 years across the country, including in Ohio and West Virginia. “This type of property is squarely in our wheelhouse,” he said. He believes all assessment and remediation can be accomplished at the local site in about three years, but that doesn’t mean new development will start immediately in year four, he cautioned. Development will depend on the market analysis and what local stakeholders want to do with the property, Ford said. “We’re going to be partners with you for the long-term on that property,” Foley said. “It’s exciting.” Ford sang the site’s praises in the meeting more than once. “This has to be one of the most attractive gems of a building that we have ever come across,” he said. He added: “When we walked the site, that art deco design hit us square in the face, and that stopped being (merely) a remediation project … when we saw this building, that was one thing, we thought, wow, this is something that’s unique.” Advertisement He estimated the footprint of the former power plant, which was built in the late 1940s, as “every bit the length of a football field.” “When it’s the size of a football field, that’s a good acre under the roof,” Ford said. “You feel like a little kid looking for Easter eggs, and then you can’t get enough of the site,” he said at another point. Two of the features that make the property unique are its smokestacks and its turbine deck inside. Ford said the deck will have to be removed, to better reveal a “huge indoor facility with this art deco design.” But it remains to be seen whether any of the stacks can be retained, he also said. After acquisition, Frontier examines a site’s environmental liability, including waste and asbestos remediation, a process that can take about 18 months, Ford said. The company also performs a commercial and residential market analysis. “We also consider the value-adds we can make to the site,” he said. Then Frontier intends to engage an architecture or planning firm and begin talking with local stakeholders about the best uses for this site. “We’re at that stage, and I think this is really a call to work,” said Ford.
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